The Figgy Blog

Client Spotlight: An Interview With Roof Tech Owner, Bob Poutre

Written by Sondra O'Day | Mar 7, 2022 7:33:01 PM

Hardworking. Determined. Positive. This is how we would describe one of our clients, Bob Poutre, founder of Roof Tech in Stillwater, Minnesota. Bob began his commercial roofing company over 29 years ago and recently we had the opportunity to sit down with him to hear more about his journey to success. We hope you gain as much inspiration from our conversation as we did.

What prompted you to start your business?       

At the time I started Roof Tech, I was living in the Twin Cities and working for another roofing company. The more I learned, the more I advanced in my job. After 6 years of working for someone else I wanted to focus solely on commercial roofing and decided to take a chance and start my own thing.

What do you love most about what you do?

There are two things that I love most about my work. The first is I truly love helping clients. I love that I get to help people solve problems. The second is that I love seeing others succeed. The very first roofer I ever hired just retired 2 years ago after being with Roof Tech for 26 years.

What is the biggest obstacle you've overcome in your business? What did you learn from it?

My biggest obstacle was learning how to own and run my own business. The roofing part of my work I knew well, but operating a business was something I had to learn. A great piece of advice I received right away and will never forget, “surround yourself with good people and the rest will fall into place”. That has proved to be true. 

If you could start any business right now, what would you choose?

This might sound cliche, but I’d have to say I’d probably start another commercial roofing company.

Being a business owner requires one to wear a lot of hats and do a lot of juggling. How do you stay organized and refreshed in your role?

I use a lot of paper! I actually still use a paper calendar and I live by my notes and lists. It’s worked for me for 29 years. As far as staying refreshed, I love getting away to our cabin on the lake. I really try to check out from work, enjoy different activities and relax. 

If you could recommend any business resources such as books, podcasts, or an app, what would it be?

I have 3 books that have been great resources for me in my business and even though I may not look at them too often any more, I still have them on my desk. They are “Traction” by Gino Wickman, “Get a Grip” by Douglas Weiss and “All Buts Stink” by Walter Bond.

What is the biggest thing you have learned about marketing while working with Wild Fig?

It really works! The power of consistency and staying top of mind to our audience has proven its importance. One email message in particular sticks out to me. The subject of our message prompted a brand new client to make the decision to move forward with his roofing project. This wouldn’t have happened without the marketing efforts from Wild Fig. 

Bob, it was wonderful to chat with you! Thank you for sharing your experience and wisdom with us. It is a pleasure to work with you and your team, we are looking forward to seeing what the future holds for Roof Tech.

Learn more about Bob, his amazing team and all the outstanding work they have done at