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Jen Hiltunen

5 min read

Paid Google Ads: Are They Worth It?

Google Ads are among the most popular paid search advertising solutions on the most widely used search engine in the world. But are they the best choice for your marketing dollars?

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Filling Your Sales Funnel

4 min read

How To Fill Your Sales Funnel: 5 Ways To Bring in More Leads

Originally posted May 2018; Updated May 2023 Keep the leads coming and your business growing! Over the years, the humble funnel has had many uses....

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6 min read

How Much is Too Much When Communicating With Prospects Online? [+ Templates]

When deciding how much to communicate with your prospects online, it’s easy to feel like you’re either communicating too much, or too little. Like...

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4 min read

You’ve Got a Lead, Now What? [9 Tips For Nurturing Leads To Conversion]

Imagine you’re playing basketball. You’ve spent a good portion of the game strategizing how to get the ball in your hands, working with your team to...

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6 min read

5 Reasons Why Online Reviews Are an Essential Part of Business Growth

Originally published September 2020; Updated March 2023 When you research a product or service online, what do you look for? Price, specifications,...

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3 min read

Our 7 Favorite Success Stories of 2022

As the year comes to a close, we want to look back in gratitude for all the awesome things we’ve been able to help our clients accomplish in 2022.

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lead generation

6 min read

The IncrediBulb Campaign [A Multimedia Marketing Success Story]

What does your average lead generation campaign look like? Are you ready to go above and beyond the norm? To think outside the box?

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LinkedIn key metrics

3 min read

Top LinkedIn Key Metrics To Track for Better Business Networking

Part 7 of our Key Metrics Series LinkedIn is different from most other social media platforms in that it is specifically focused on business...

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Outsourced Marketing

6 min read

The Solution to Hiring in 2022? Outsource Your Marketing

If you’ve recently lost an employee, you’re not the only one. In what has been dubbed “The Great Resignation”, people have been leaving their jobs in...

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improve your facebook ads

4 min read

Improve Your Facebook Ads With These 9 Key Metrics

Part 5 of our Key Metrics Series Facebook Ads have the potential to be powerful lead generation opportunities. They can boost the reach of your...

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what is sales enablement

4 min read

What is sales enablement and why should businesses embrace it?

Sales enablement. If you clicked on this article, it’s likely you’ve at least heard of the term. And if you’re a business owner or sales leader and...

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3 min read

Using LinkedIn To Grow Your Business

LinkedIn is today’s yellow brick road to business growth. 61 million LinkedIn users are senior-level influencers and 40 million are in...

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