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Allie Krueger

4 min read

13 Unique Holiday Gift Ideas for Your clients

The holidays are officially in full swing, and that means it’s time (or maybe past time) to start thinking about gifts. Not just for your family and friends — but for your clients as well.

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Reuse Old Content

6 min read

Can You Reuse Old Content? Intro to Historical Optimization and Repurposing Blog Content

Content marketing is one of the most effective ways to promote products and services. But for many business owners, the stress of having to create...

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8 min read

Client FAQs: What Your Marketing Team Wants You to Know!

Lots of people see marketing as a switch that you can flip “on” and suddenly have a line of new customers out the door. But the truth is, digital...

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4 min read

How To Make Online Scheduling Work For Your Business

Once upon a time, a rustic wedding venue was losing clients left and right — they just didn’t know it yet.

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5 min read

How To Create a One-Liner Using the StoryBrand Framework (and How To Use It)

Ever tripped over your tongue when trying to explain what you do at a networking event or cocktail party?

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4 min read

How To Write Great Email Copy [10 Quick Tips]

Let's be honest – when it comes to email marketing, it's easy to feel like a tiny fish in a big, overcrowded pond.

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Funny out of office message ideas

5 min read

7 Funny OOO Message Ideas For Your Spring Break Vacation

Are you jet-setting out of town to soak up the sun? Let the people know!

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6 min read

Best Storytelling Frameworks for More Engaging Brand Storytelling [Examples]

From the ancient oral histories of indigenous peoples, to the modern-day blockbuster films of Hollywood, humans have always been enraptured by the...

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celebrate the holidays online

3 min read

Fun Ways To Celebrate the Holidays Online [With Your Family, Friends, or Team!]

Everyone seems to be leading a busy life these days, so when it comes to celebrating the Holidays, it can be difficult to get everyone under one...

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how to use email marketing

7 min read

Getting Started: How To Use Email Marketing To Grow Your Business

In 2022, the number of global email users was forecast at 4.3 billion. In 2025, that number is expected to grow to 4.6 billion—that’s more than half...

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Black Friday and Cyber Monday

4 min read

7 Strategies To Help Generate Revenue on Black Friday & Cyber Monday

Did you know that “Black Friday” originated in the 1950s to describe the shopping chaos (and thievery) in Philadelphia that preceded each annual...

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types of blogs

6 min read

9 Types of Blogs and How To Use Them To Promote Your Business

When Bill Gates wrote the essay titled “Content Is King” in 1996, he couldn’t have known that it would turn out to be a slogan wielded by content...

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fill open positions

4 min read

Fully Staffed: How Wild Fig Helped 3 Companies Fill Open Positions

Did you know that you can leverage your digital marketing strategy to promote jobs at your company? That’s right: posting jobs on Indeed or LinkedIn...

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Attract Top Talent

4 min read

How To Attract Top Talent With a Strong Online Presence

What if you put as much effort into attracting top talent as you put into attracting customers? Just as you can optimize your website and social...

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