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Wild Fig’s Top 10 Most Popular Blogs of 2022

Wild Fig’s Top 10 Most Popular Blogs of 2022

Happy New Year, Figgy friends!

With the start of a new year, we’d like to take a look back at the Wild Fig blogs that had the most views over the past year. We love creating content that educates, encourages, and inspires our audience (i.e., YOU!), and it’s so interesting to take a step back to see what topics you find most helpful! This bird’s-eye view will definitely help inform our content strategy going forward.

Without further ado, here’s a quick recap of the most popular blogs from the Wild Fig team in 2022. 

10. How To Attract Top Talent With a Strong Online Presence

Hiring top talent header imageIt’s not surprising that this one made our top 10 list, as so many businesses were looking to hire in 2022 (and many still are in 2023!).

Your website and social media marketing strategy play a huge role in the kind of talent you attract. If you’re hiring this year, take an honest look at both: is your online presence strong enough to attract your ideal candidate?

If you’re looking to draw top talent to your organization in 2023, check out this blog and work to implement some or all of the tips into your online strategy this year.

9. Client Spotlight: Miller Wittman Retail Design Group

IndianProgramC-1You all loved learning more about our clients this year too. The feeling is mutual—we love talking about our amazing clients! This one focused on Miller Wittman Retail Design Group, who we’ve had the pleasure of working with for the past year and a half. Take a look to learn more about what they do, why they do it, and how working with the Wild Fig team has helped them.

Want to learn more about other clients we work with? Find more client spotlight blogs here!

8. The IncrediBulb Campaign [A Multimedia Marketing Success Story]


While the vast majority of our work centers on digital marketing, we do incorporate other marketing strategies from time to time. This blog walks through a marketing campaign we did last year where we sent a fun package to a strategic list of contacts. 

In the package was a lightbulb, but not just any lightbulb: a flexible, shatterproof one! While you may think a lightbulb has nothing to do with marketing (and, technically, you’d be right), the IncrediBulb provided a unique, surprising hook to draw leads in. We also included a list of relevant services and an invitation to connect with us.

And do you know what? It worked. People LOVED getting this package, and it intrigued them enough to get in touch with us…which is, of course, the whole point of marketing!

7. 15 Compelling Content Ideas To Boost Your Business on LinkedIn

LinkedIn-1Getting more out of your LinkedIn experience was near the top of your list in 2022 as well. And no wonder: LinkedIn is a great place to network, generate leads, and grow your reputation as a thought leader. And if your company is a B2B business, LinkedIn is the top social media outlet you should be on.

If you liked this blog, you may also enjoy these LinkedIn topics:

👉 Download our handy infographic with 5 Easy Tips for a Better LinkedIn Profile


6. 10 Key Facebook Metrics To Track for Better Social Media Marketing

FB Metrics Blog HeaderSimilarly, learning how to improve social media marketing (specifically, Facebook) was a hit with our readers this year. Facebook remains one of the top places to market your business online (especially for B2C businesses), so learning to wield it to grow your business is vital.

This blog goes over key metrics to track to analyze your effectiveness on Facebook so you know how to up your social media marketing game. 

Working with Facebook Ads? We have a blog about that too!

5. 2022 Email Marketing Trends That Will Truly Impact Your ROI

Email Marketing Trends HeaderIf email marketing isn’t on your 2023 marketing plan, now’s the time to add it.

Contrary to popular belief, email marketing isn’t dead. Despite the constant influx of emails we all receive daily, email is still a highly effective marketing strategy. This blog discusses why that is, and offers strategies to improve your email marketing.


These trends from last year are still relevant, so check them out and see if you don’t find something new to add to your marketing strategy in 2023! 

Which of these trends have you had success with? We’d love to hear about it!

4. 6 Outside-The-Box Email Ideas To Get Your Prospect's Attention

60utside-the-boxWhile we’re on the email train, let’s make another stop at this great blog. If you’ve had low engagement from your email list, this one’s for you! 

Often, the best way to spur engagement is to try something new. If you’ve been sending the same old email newsletters every week, they can start to feel stale, and your contacts will stop paying attention. This blog gives you six outside-the-box ideas, including some fun ways to incorporate humor into your emails (a surefire way to get your prospects’ attention!). 

Need help with your email marketing? The Figgy team has your back. We create and send regular email newsletters for many of our clients, and it has been an effective way for them to stay top of mind with their clients and leads.


MillenialsMedspaThis one surprised us—not because it isn’t a fascinating topic, but because it’s such a niche one! However, it seems like it’s a topic that hit home with many of you.

Even if you’re not in the MedSpa field, you might find this blog helpful. After all, learning how the different generations think and engage with the world is crucial if you want to reach them for your business.

Want more sales and marketing content for specific industries? Here are a few more we’ve written:

As a digital marketing company that works with clients in multiple industries, the team at Wild Fig are well-versed in creating effective marketing strategies for a wide variety of industries.

2. How To Fill Your Sales Funnel

Sales FunnelNumber two on our list of most popular blogs from 2022 was less surprising. If you’ve searched for new ways to fill your sales funnel in the past year, you’re most definitely not alone.

In this blog, we share our top ways to keep your sales funnel full so you can continue to grow your business. And spoiler alert: they’re all things the Figgy team can help you with! 

Lead generation strategy and sales enablement are two services you might not equate with a marketing company, but not only are they aspects of marketing, they’re also services we offer! 

Want to learn more? Schedule a free strategy session with Jen, our VP of Sales.

1. 8 Funny Out-of-Office Message Ideas for the Holiday Break

WFM  Blog Banners 900x600-2Apparently, the only thing you all wanted to read about more than filling your sales funnel last year was going on vacation! (Shocking 😉) 

This was far and away our most popular blog of 2022. (Seriously, it got 15x more views than anything else we wrote!) 

And although these OOO messages are holiday-themed, most of them could be easily edited to work any time of year. Check them out for ideas for your next vacation—and a good laugh!

We’re planning to offer more unique and fun ways for you to connect with your audience later this year. Stay tuned!

More To Come From Your Figgy Team in 2023

And that’s a wrap for Wild Fig’s top 10 most popular blogs of 2022!


We’ve taken notes and are planning more content we know you’re going to love in 2023. Make sure to subscribe to our blog to stay up to date with our latest content.

Want great blogs for your company’s website? If you’d like to grow your blog page but don’t have the time (or aren’t confident in your writing skills), our writers can write your blogs for you! Contact us to learn more.

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